Accredited Chest Pain Center
Both Physicians Regional Pine Ridge and Collier Boulevard are Accredited Chest Pain Centers. In order to qualify for this accreditation, we use an operational model that combines scientific evidence with process improvement initiatives for the care of any patient who might be having a heart attack. Reducing the time it takes to receive treatment is essential in caring for a heart attack patient. Accredited facilities like ours better monitor patients when it is not yet clear whether or not a potentially life-threatening coronary event is occurring. This monitoring helps us ensure that patients are neither discharged too early nor admitted to the hospital without cause.
An Accredited Chest Pain Center's (CPC) approach to cardiac patient care allows clinicians to reduce time to treatment during the critical early stages of a heart attack.
Chest Pain Center with Primary PCI Accreditation
Our Pine Ridge and Collier Blvd. hospitals have received full Chest Pain Center with Primary PCI Accreditations. This means that this location also has percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) available 24/7 on site. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is a non-surgical procedure that improves blood flow to the heart by inserting a balloon catheter into the artery to relieve any narrowing or blockage.
Accredited Echocardiography Centers
Physicians Regional Pine Ridge and Collier Blvd. hospitals are Accredited Echocardiography Centers. Patients can rely on accreditation as an indication that the facility performing their examination has made a commitment to providing quality testing for the diagnosis of heart disease and disorders. Our accredited facility has been carefully critiqued on all aspects of its operations considered relevant by medical experts in the field of echocardiography.
Accreditation by IAC means:
- Our facility has undergone a thorough review of its operational and technical components by a panel of experts in the field.
- Our facility upholds processes that are in compliance with national standards.
- Our facility has standards in place for patient and personnel safety.
- Our facility's accreditation is valid for a period of three years.
- As a patient, you can have confidence the IAC-accredited facility performing your imaging is committed to quality patient care.